Monday, July 8, 2013

Google Summer of Code Week 3

Last week I got less work done than the previous ones. That said, I still got some things to show.

First of all, I finally managed to complete Extract Enum, though I ended up moving it back to MonoDevelop.

The main problem o DoGlobalOperationOn is the lack of NRefactory unit testing infrastruture. Whereas most actions and issues are easily tested and, therefore, require only minimal testing in the IDE, DoGlobalOperationOn must be manually tested all the way, which is massively inconvenient.

Also, not all extract enum features are fully available yet. It is not yet possible to choose which fields to include in the new enum due to a bug in Xwt.Gtk. Once that's fixed, I believe everything will work as expected.

I also investigated ILSpy to see how easy it would be to reuse code from it to implement a new code action: Convert LINQ fluent syntax to LINQ query. This would essentially be the opposite action of what I made last week.

The portion of ILSpy I studied was the decompiler. The decompiler takes .NET code (e.g. an executable or class library) and generates C# code back from it. It includes a variety of features including the ability to convert generated LINQ code back to LINQ queries.
The decompiler of LINQ queries seems to work in two phases: First, it generates simple queries, and then combines those queries:
list.Where(x => x > 0).Select(y = > y * 2);
//After phase 1
from y in from x in list
          where x > 0
          select x
select y * 2;
//After phase 2
from x in list
where x > 0
into y
select y * 2;

The code for the first phase (introduce queries) seems pretty solid, but the code for the second phase is far less so. It depends heavily on the particular output of the decompiler and, as such, is unsuitable for use in user code.

This week, I'll try to implement global operation unit testing and some other actions.

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